2017 Q4 Macroeconomics (Kobe Univ.)

Assignments and exercises

See https://github.com/rokko-ma17q4/hw-portal

Assignments should be submitted through GitHub unless otherwise stated. Always start an assignment from the “Get Invitation” link in the above portal site.

R basics on DataCamp

I decided to use DataCamp instead of me coaching you for programming basics. All the enrolled students should have been invited to the Classroom Account by now. Please approve the request and enjoy the great courses provided by DataCamp.

Additional Information

If you plan to use at a computer at the computer lab, you might want to know several techniques to install applications on Mac. See hw-portal/Wiki

Here is a series of notes concerning R, R Markdown and related stuff.

Old materials

Want a head start? Visit [2017Q2](https://www.kenjisato.jp/en/teaching/ma/2017q2/)